Member Organizations



The CFEWS project in Trinidad and Tobago is a partnership led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as implementing partner. The UNDP is supporting local authorities to build capacities for detecting, monitoring, analyzing, and forecasting of flood hazards in the communities that are typically impacted by flooding. The partner agencies are, the Water Resources Agency, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management, the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government, the Trinidad and Tobago Meterological Service and the Tobago Emergency Management Agency.


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP works to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities through the sustainable development of nations, in more than 170 countries and territories.


Office Of Disaster Preparedness and Management

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) in Trinidad and Tobago is the national disaster office responsible for coordinating disaster risk reduction and management efforts. It plays a pivotal role in safeguarding lives, property and livelihoods within the multi-hazard context. The ODPM’s responsibilities encompass risk assessments, strengthening early warning systems, community engagement, education, disaster preparedness and response planning, capacity building, infrastructure resilience, research, policy development, and coordination with national and international partners.

Specifically, in the realm of community flood early warning, the ODPM monitors weather conditions and collaborates with the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Agency to develop early warning messages regarding potential flood events, disseminates timely flood warnings to the public, establishes and maintains flood monitoring and warning systems, and conducts preparedness drills to ensure the readiness of both emergency responders and communities. In essence, the ODPM serves as the cornerstone for disaster risk reduction and management in Trinidad and Tobago, striving to enhance the nation’s resilience and protect its citizens and communities from the impacts of disasters.


Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government

The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government functions as the coordinating agency which guides Municipal Corporations and Special Purpose Enterprises in assisting communities by pooling resources in targeted areas which include among others Infrastructure Development, Disaster Management, Public Health and Sanitation. The Ministry is also responsible for organizing, promoting and implementing rural development policies and strategies. We have a more direct and constant connection to citizens than many other arms of the Central Government through the Municipal Corporations.  This makes our Ministry critical to the democratic process and a major catalyst in the execution of any citizen-centered national initiative.


Water Resources Agency (WRA)

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago (GOTT) recognizing the need for the development and control of the country’s water resources entered into an arrangement with a Canadian firm to train persons in the collection and analysis of basic hydrological and hydrometeorological data between the period July 1966 and late 1970. The persons who were trained formed the first staff of Water Resources Survey, which later became known as the Water Resources Agency and was appended to the Water and Sewerage Authority in March 1976.


Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)

The Tobago Emergency Management Agency was first established as the National Emergency Management Agency, in accordance with the Tobago House of Assembly, Executive Council Minute No.64 of March 09, 1998. By the directive given to TEMA along with the support of the National Disaster Management System, the island of Tobago would benefit from a comprehensive disaster management approach, focused on prevention, preparation and mitigation against disasters, as well as, emergency response, rehabilitation and recovery form disaster events.


Ministry of Works and Transport

The Ministry of Works and Transport is one of the largest government organizations in Trinidad and Tobago. We are responsible for providing the physical infrastructure and transport services necessary for the social and economic development of the country.


Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services

The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services is a Division of the Ministry of the Public Utilities. It operates the following main divisions:

  • A Main Meteorological and Forecast Office located at the South Terminal Building at Piarco Airport
  • An Upper Air Station located opposite to Air Guard station.
  • A Climatological and Technical Division at the same location at the Upper Air Station
  • A Meteorological Observing Station at Crown point Airport, Tobago


Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society

The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society (TTRCS) is an auxiliary in the humanitarian field to the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.

    CFEWS on TV

    View Training and Education Specialist Franchesca Peters, as well as Planning and Development Officer Anwar Baksh, both of the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) as they appeared on the “In Depth with Dike Rostant” morning TV show on June 24 2022


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