Strengthening Community Flood Early Warning Systems (CFEWS) in Trinidad and Tobago



Mission and Vision


To strengthen community and national capacities for generating impact-based flood early warning to allow for the effective planning and execution of early actions by establishing additional flood monitoring systems in seven (7) communities (5 in Trinidad and 2 in Tobago)


  1. Capacities are enhanced for detecting, monitoring, analyzing and forecasting flood hazards
  2. The flood early warning information communication/ dissemination platform is expanded and useful to more communities, municipalities and government agencies
  3. Coordination and management of floods at the community and national levels are enhanced
  4. Improved emergency response capacities during a crisis

On this website

What is a stream flow gauge?

Read more in the FAQ’s section

What to do in the event of a flood

Download our brochures in the resources section

What are the different type of flooding events?

Find out more here

Organizations involved

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – implementing partner

Ministry of National Security – Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM)

Ministry of Works and Transport

Water Resources Agency (WRA)

Website: WRA

Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)

Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Services

Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government

Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society